Let’s talk our favourite acronyms! RRSP
Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) - let’s cover the basics as to what it is, why you may or may not need it and how it helps you.
Investing vs Saving
Investing vs Savings
Should you be investing or saving? Should you do both at the same time or just one? Short answer: you should be doing both as there is a time and a place for both!
Living below your means
Living below your means is the idea of spending less than what you’re bringing in monthly.
This applies to your daily spending but I’d like to focus on your bigger purchases - home, vehicle, any of those things that require a lending institution
Is it time for a job change?
You’ve been in your role a few years and you’re trying to decide – when is it a good time for a job change?
Money Stories
What money story do you tell yourself?
Money stories have established our behaviours and feelings towards money. Have you ever looked into where yours originated from?
The Effect of Time
An important thing to keep in mind when planning for your financial future is the effect of time.
If you start investing now rather than waiting a decade or 2 can help you significantly in the long run. Evaluating two different scenarios, one with a retirement goal and the second with a monthly investment goal.
Job search and mental health
The job search process is often discussed in terms of how to target your application package or how to best answer interview questions but what isn’t often brought up is the mental health impact of the entire process.
It’s Net Worth Time!
Every month, I calculate my net worth and track it. This has been a great tool to keep me motivated on my financial journey. I’ve been able to see the changes in my finances on a monthly basis and compare to where I was last year.
Debt Repayment
Most people have debt. How’s your mindset around debt? What debt repayment strategy works best for you and your circumstance?
Provide a high level overview of the avalanche and snowball methods along with some questions to ask yourself about your relationship with debt.
Emergency Fund
As someone whose been unemployed since the end of July, I can speak from experience that an emergency fund comes in handy. Having this buffer has allowed me to be selective in finding my next position and making sure that I’m looking for something that truly aligns with me, rather than jumping at the first available option.
Sh*t will always happen
Life is often unexpected and can add variability to monthly expenses. It’s better to plan for them to ignore them because they are unavoidable.
Not everyone has earned your experiences
Not everyone in your life deserves to know all of your experiences nor have they earned them. When you’re looking to share something that leaves you feeling open and vulnerable, knowing that you’re sharing with someone who can provide empathy is so important.
All or nothing
All or nothing - if you’re paying off debt, there’s no fun for you. No restaurants, no shopping, no traveling, nothing. Or is there?
Scarcity Mindset
The scarcity mindset will sneak up on you when you least expect it - trust me. It’s also more than willing to beat you up and show you where you need to work harder and why you can’t stop.
Bank like a woman - Survey on experiences with financial institutions
How comfortable are you have to have conversations with your financial institution about your bank? There’s a study being done on women’s experiences with financial institutions and I’m very interested to see the results!
Why financial coaching?
Financial coaching and personal training. Do these two have anything in common?