Is it time for a job change?

You’ve been in your role a few years and you’re trying to decide – when is it a good time for a job change?

The first and most important point that doesn’t require any explanation is when you feel it’s right. If something in your gut is telling you it’s time to look elsewhere, listen to that!

There are a few other reasons that could lead you to thinking about a job or organization change:

No longer feeling challenged

You no longer feel challenged. You’ve been doing this job for a few years and feel very comfortable. You show up every day and kill it but you miss feeling challenged to grow in your role.

Little opportunity for growth

There’s little opportunity for growth. If your goal is advancement and you’re in an organization with very little opportunity to grow from your current position, it may be time to look elsewhere. By looking elsewhere, you can leverage your experience and maybe get a promotion to a more senior role.

Looking for a salary increase

Often, when we’re right out of university, we will settle for whatever salary is put in front of us. We don’t feel as if we have the right to negotiate or ask for our worth. If you’re looking for a salary increase that your organization cannot afford, it’s worth looking elsewhere. If you move from one organization to another, there’s a likelihood you can get a salary increase at the same time as you’re no longer pegged to what you were originally making. As an example, if your starting salary at an organization was $60,000, any proposed salary increases would be using this as a basis whereas if you were to go to another organization, you could start at a higher salary range.

No longer showing up with the same attitude

You’re no longer showing up with the same attitude. Somewhat self explanatory but if you aren’t showing up as you once were, if just the prospect of going to work feels draining, it’s probably best to look for something new.

None of this is to say you must look for something new. You may be feeling some of these things but also loving other aspects of your job. There’s nothing wrong with that and, as always, you have to do what’s best for you!


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