Looking for that career change?

You get out of university and you have your first professional job. You’re set for your career right?

Not so much.

There are articles out there referring to millennials as the job hopping generation, having changed jobs more often then our parents and certainly our grandparents. Purely anecdotally, I know most of my friends have changed jobs a handful of times and likely will continue to do so in the future.

There are certain tools you can start incorporating into your professional life now that can help when you’re looking for that next opportunity.

Information conversations

Start reaching out to people on LinkedIn who are in roles, organizations or industries that interest you. People are usually open to having these conversations and it gives you an opportunity to see if it’s something you actually want to do.

Basically, it’s doing your research before making any life changing moves.

Cultivate your professional network

Build up your professional network through connecting with former co-workers, classmates, mentors, whatever you have available. Engage with these connections in whatever way feels best to you and let them know that you’re looking for a career change. You will be at the forefront of their minds if they hear of a job opening in their organization that fits what you’re looking for.


Get involved with groups that align with your interests that can also build skills. This can help fill any gaps in your resume while also giving you another option to build your network.

I have a few friends who have been referred to jobs purely through volunteer organizations they were a part of. Volunteer opportunities can be a great asset, especially if what you’re doing aligns with future goals.


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