Not everyone has earned your experiences
One of the biggest learnings I’ve had through my personal growth and development journey is that you can’t expect one group of friends and family to be everything for you. Often, there are different groups for different situations and needs.
As an example, you may have a certain group of friends that are great for playing games and doing active things with and another for having deep vulnerable conversations with.
Can these be the same? Sure.
Are they always? That’s up to you to decide.
I’ve had situations where I’ve shared vulnerable experiences with people only to have my feelings minimized or flat out ignored.
I’ve learned where I can expect an empathetic response and where I can’t.
Borrowing from Brene Brown’s work (highly recommend), I know where I can look to when the gremlins are out there, having me question myself and my worth.
Explanation: Gremlins are all about shame. They are those negative voices in your head that tell you you’re not good enough or try to minimize your worth.
This is when it’s worth knowing who you can share your experiences with and knowing that not everyone has earned the right to hear them.
As money has so much surrounding it in our society, finding the right group to share your experiences with is important. By not discussing your money situation with anyone, you can keep living in the shadows of not knowing what to do or where to turn. You can keep ignoring what’s going on and continue hanging out with the gremlins.
By sharing your experience and by sharing what you’re going through, you’re bringing light to the situation. You’re letting others know that they aren’t alone and, trust me, you will also see that you’re not alone. You can learn different ways to work on your money mindset and improve your financial future.
I highly recommend finding that group to shine the light on your gremlins. To provide you with the support you need to improve your situation, whether that’s money or something else. Find those have earned the right to hear your experiences and share with them.
Coming from someone who used to pride themselves on not being vulnerable, you’ll be amazed at the outcome.