10 things about me

Today’s my birthday so in celebration I’m doing something a little different.

Here’s 10 fun things about me.

  1. I’m originally from Saskatchewan. I was born and raised in Regina and went to university in Saskatoon.

  2. I grew up playing competitive basketball, softball and volleyball. I was on a softball team that went through Texas in hopes some of the girls could get scholarships to nearby schools but my shoulder had sustained enough damage through all the activity that I could no longer play.

  3. I made some of my best friendships through sports. I’ve known most of my friends for two thirds of my life now and couldn’t imagine doing this without them.

  4. I also danced growing up - Ukrainian dance, tap and jazz. I stopped when my focus shifted to sports.

  5. I have an undergraduate degree in biochemistry that I pretty much took for fun. I’ve rarely leveraged it in a professional atmosphere though the knowledge comes in handy.

  6. Within my first 2 years in Calgary, I moved 5 times. I really don’t recommend that.

  7. I’ve travelled to 13 countries. My favourites so far have been Portugal and Costa Rica but there’s amazing things about each place.

  8. I’ve ran two half marathons. They were a great experience, though training for those is no joke. I haven’t ran a race since

  9. My first job out of university was as a field engineer. I was in this role for 4 years and I worked throughout western Canada, Louisiana, Texas and Mississippi. It’s the first time I realized that it’s time to move on from a job when you’re no longer learning new things.

  10. I live in Calgary and I have never once snowboarded. The last time I was on skis I was in elementary school. I don’t mix well with outdoor winter sports apparently.


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