Do you know what you want from your money but aren’t sure where to start?


I’m Elena Storle

For most of my life, personal finance has been a passion, even before that’s what I knew it was called!

After completing my first university stint, I covered both sides of the spending spectrum: living very modestly to pay off my student debt and spending all the money.

At this point, I decided I needed a strategy that I could carry with me long term that prioritized things important to me (travel, fitness, clothing) while making sure I was saving enough for emergencies and the future.

Another passion of mine is coaching and mentoring others and helping them succeed. Through my coaching business, I’m meshing these 2 passions and striving to improve others’ money mindsets.


If you’re ready to really dive into your finances, let’s get to work!

Whether you just need a little bit of direction or an accountability partner, as your money coach, I’m here to help!

Keep up with me!


Want to learn more?